Monday, January 22, 2007


Will this confusion..this indecision..ever come to an end? or is this the way i am ?so much so that i can never change the way it is? what am i a slave to? Am i enslaved to my own thoughts? Well I dont know!..and i have almost given up. there isint a point in fighting. After all who am i fighting against? It is my own self.....and i have realised that one can bicker down all odds but not against ones own set frame of mind. I am irritated , suffocated...and bound. as if i am handcuffed and cannot break apart the chains i feel i am tied with..But when i give it a deep thought..when i try to fathom the reality i feel i am good , i am fine and its all so perfect! then why such inflexions? But then i am sure all of us have a small little bird hidden in the crevaces within us and it yearns for a flight to getaway from where it is. and each time we promise ourselves that we shall let go of it. but we never do that simply because we cant ever muster the courage for the same. So its quite understandable that if me or you think that way we aren't abnormal! its just that our limitations outdo our sense of self and we cannot help it. And so we pretend to become complacent and impress upon others that we sure are smug enough even though the little birdie still troubles us. We pacify it and it sleeps only after the reassurance of another pleasant dream. After all this dream is definitely better than anything else.