Sunday, February 18, 2007

Dare to dream??

Well last night i had a strange dream..and i found myself transported to completely different place..the place i had literally never dreamt of in my wildest of dreams!..Gosh as ever i am trying to confuse you..but lemme tell u the truth..this was darned exciting..i found myself at a birthday bash.whose?? i have no idea! where?? i dunno!..and u dare not ask me how! i already told you that!..i closed my eyes and scuttled my way thorough the night to reach the unknown place...Nevertheless the dream sounded wasteful..but it did coax my imagination to a point.What the hell inspired such a dream..Afterall i hadn't been thinking of attending one the whole day.infact i have not attended one in weeks now!(maybe here lies the point!)
I read a book on dream analysis which vividly states that dreams are the manifestations of our repressed feelings and emotions..and like on most issues i clearly agree on this one too...but sometimes these so called manifestations are really revealing..and one tends to end up completely embarrassed of ones own thought process..take for instance once my friend was really upset over something and when asked repeatedly she dabbled the reason..she had a nightmare! now am sure u wud like to know what it was...hmmm..she said the whole night she was surrounded my snakes and she kept running to save herself and was sure she wasn't going to s successful in escaping the situation..and felt suffocated in the dream. and all the while she was conscious that she had been dreaming but just cud'n manage to snap open her eyes. and when she finally did the same she found herself sweating profusely as if it had been real!
Well my prior knowledge hinted that dreaming about snakes was reflective of an urge for sex and when i gave this explanation she was flabbergasted and assured that this was never an idea on her mind.
I just laughed over the issue and was assured that it wasn't just possible to interpret different dreams experienced by different people on the basis of a single yardstick! what attending a birthday bash of someone unknown would mean is yet to be inferred by me!