Monday, September 24, 2007

Dont need a title!

Its been so long i neglected my blog. Infact i neglected myself all this while. Just thought before i am deprived of my blogspace on account of not using it its better i write something. Something thats breaks my indolence. Something that wakes me up from my slumber. Something that shows me a direction. Something that navigates my way through the present situation and testifies that there is some pleasentness about life. Thought i should scribble something..what if it carries no meaning...what s the big deal if people find it poppycock..whatif noone bothers to matter what!.atleast the words would be mine. Thats something no one can deprive me of!
Writing always brings so much relief.. I dont care even if its egregious. Just dragging a few expressions out from the canopy of abstraction gives a sense of satisfaction that i exist. That there within me lies a being who lives. Who thinks. who feels. who is happy when others are happy. who feels guilty at smiling when some ones in dolour.who has this urge of doing some little thing to light up someones life. who feels that life has no meaning if its for our selves.
Writing is also a means of realising oneself. Its meditation, introspection, insight..its evryhting..everything one needs to find out. discover. And in the process i find my self..if not today..mayb tmmrw!