Thursday, December 7, 2006


Sometimes i feel like an aimless wanderer..searching for something. but all i can do is to search..but searching what? if i knew that i wouldnt be aimless. Well thats so confusing. I feel its quite an enigma. some people are just so sure abt what they want . Their prerogatives are straight. Their methods and moves are planned. Their ways are practical and their thoughts are focussed...But there are some like me..hunters..hunting for objectives in life , for motives to self inspiration , continuously groping..almost in the dark. Well i often experience that the destination seems so clouded that i can't see it myself..or is there any destination at all? May be life is this constant travel...but that explanation doesn't pacify me or satiate rather irks my being, it irritates me. disturbs me. but then i pretend. pretend that all is fine....and i look around.All is actually fine..perfect..the way it should have been..better than wat others might perceive it to be!..and this makes me feel i am just too fastidious, complaining, cribbing ( but do i actually ever complain?)and that i just dont know how to live..and maybe in my earnest urge to reach my destination i was missing out the fun of the travel!..i get confused..dont know wats right...and my peeved mind decides to take refuge in the pages of a good book...Then comes the catharasis...which brings me peace. It makes me feel that the whole idea of rummaging around is just about useless. let life guide itself...let me be a silent spectator!


fursat said...

I am not sure what AIM you are looking for in life but it certainly brings out a lovely piece of writing.

I saw your blog address from Orkut as I just joined the "Reader's Club".

Keep writing...

Anonymous said...

hey pooja...u have so beautifully put in words the realities that i have been groping with for quite a while...working hard for strange goals..that maybe i dont even desire ....just hoping that somewhere along this path and this struggle..the true purpose of my life will reveal itself to me...or is there really any it really destiny..all written for us before we can conceive it.... or is it just a game of chance...what is more important ..the pursuit of happiness?or the pursuit the expected...