Monday, March 12, 2007

Time Machine

Very often the idea of time traveling invades my mind and thoughts. At one point of time it became such untenable obsession that even my catnaps were replete with waggish dreams of my space excursion. After reading this book, whose author has long abandoned my memory,’ The time travelers wife’, I was all the more inspired! So to dabble my knowledge over the description of Einstein's paradox I would like to share something with the ones interested.
Before i tell you about it one must know that traveling in a space ship, apart from the adventure quotient, also provides its users with an additional benefit. Well so to say, entering into the scuttle assures that anyone shuttling through space is definitely going to age at a retarded pace in comparison to his earthly sibling!( That’s why time travel) Now before my information and understanding escapes through the smokestack let me type it down.
Einstein’s paradox-
Well Einstein used 2 clocks for his experiment. One got the esteemed opportunity to time travel at about 3*100000000 m/sec i.e. the lightening speed. (Oh! I am so jealous, I can only sit back and dream while the clock even does it!). After many years when the spaceship landed in the earths sacred premises it was discovered that the clock on it had traveled slowly in comparison to its not -so –fortunate counterpart.

Conclusion- Time moves slowly when objects are in motion.

The same was repeated on earthly twins. (Wish I had a twin sister! That would accelerate my chances of being a part of the experiment…boohoo!) At the end of the travel, the interstellar sibling was younger adding to the envy and anxiety of his relative on earth.
The paradox exists because according to the laws of physics the one on earth should have been making the other go green with envy because the earth is also in motion, but as a matter of fact it happened the other way round!!!

Conclusion- I still haven’t traveled through time! I hate Einstein!


Anonymous said...

Well, I believe you are enamoured with the whole concept of travelling back into time. However, I feel you needed to put more of your feelings in this post as I know you are so passionate about the whole thing. AND THIS IS FOR YOU:

Time is a stream,
Running like faultless rythm
A flawless imagination
Is Time...
And one who endeavours to imagine
Need not travel
For he can roam the universe
In the flicker of an eye!

Lots of Love!!

P.S. Now, this is original. So, I'm quoting myself. Hope you wont have the same complaint now.

Anonymous said...

I'm someone who bumped into your orkut profile, and thinks I can solve your dilemma. Happy to be the one giving funda!

The younger one will be the one who experienced all the acceleration. The acceleration of the vehicle starting from earth or whereever, and coming back and stopping. This way there is no confusion.

This ties neatly with General relativity; which says that gravitational effects are indistinguishable from accelerational effects. Time slows down in a gravitational field as well, just like near speeds of light. Time dilation will be exactly same as what it would be if the body were travelling at the escape velocity corresponding to the gravitation intensity. This gives rise to interesting phenomena like Black Holes.

Dev said...

No no.. You are traveling through time, forward, just not faster than it..
In case you are looking for something which is truly dream-like, you should look at Quantum Physics...
Things like you may exists here at one moment, and suddenly appear in another room; I don't know where I am, if I know exactly where I am going... strange and weird things...Waldo's world will no loner appear strange, and you will have truly see what Magical Realism is all about...

ankurindia said...

interesting article