Monday, April 2, 2007

Strange feeling!

Well the last month's blog entry forced my friends to comment that it was far less interesting than the entries i wrote to express my feelings!!...but to tell u the truth all feelings cannot b expressed..atleast not like this!! and neither is it an easy job...feel.. it takes a lot of guts.To some your feelings may even sound a bit pseudo social...Whatever may b said about makes not much of a diffence atleast to me..As i feel that human emotins and feelings are never static. They keep changing according to time and situation..and in most cases we seem to have absolutely no control over them. and to assume that our feelings for others do not change or are not supposed to change is like putting ones self on the conveyor belt and not expecting any sensations!What is then imperative here is to have some knowledge of human psychology and try to understand the strange feelings that other people undergo....and in certain other cases not to b over assuming .
Its very true that expressing ones feelings, desires and emotions can b very scathing at times..but lets not try to find or see a treeline everywhere and in every situation and become to conclusive about things said or done to us..I guess our life in itself is a learning experience and there is so much that we learn and discover about ourselves each day...and..if that happens with us..lets not forget it happens with others too..So lets stop asking the why and how of every darned thing , comment or remark considering it as a sharpnel on ourselves .
Lets try to be at peace with ourselves and let the others be what they are...and if they cant let you be what u are then chuck them!!


Aditi said...

i agree with u, the feeling itself mean to feel not to express,

few feelings specially, love, happiness, sorrow are so vast that they couldn't be counted in words..

rasheed said...

what a clear focussed msg..good i checked ur d be nice to talk a lil more whenver..ur ending was great..

Anonymous said...

If you are not even able to express what you feel than you are a good for nothing writer...and one more thing,dont waste your time writing.

Anonymous said...

well..i totally disagree with the last comment! its quite unfair! somone doesnt approve of anyoneone then he or she better not waste time reading it...noone gets the right to put anyone down...i appreciate Pooja's courage of still accepting the comment!

ruchika said...

hi pooja .. it is wonderful thgt .. there are certain things which just happen .. we need to take life as it comes and expression is an excelelnt way 2 decipher our emotion for the moment