Monday, June 11, 2007

The Kite Runner

Recently i finished reading the Kite Runner by Khaled Huseinni....Amazing book! I must admit that it has been after a long time that a book has cast so much of an impression on me. Almost indelible..
The story is full of pathos...and is so intricately reflective of the life and the problems simple ppl have to face because of the existence and continuous reinforcement of these artificially created...redundant barriers of caste, class, religion and race. The story , set up in Afganistan, depicts the lives of two boys..age mates..brought up a pashtun and the other a hazara . How their lives are so much different and the differences attributed to who they are.
One living a comfortable life until the emergence of the Taliban while the other being deprived of the same and subjected to continuous insults , humiliation , mortification, dishonor and even death.

The book just left me all dazed with tears in my eyes as to why this ever happened. Why do people though educated and well brought up let such injustice happen. Why cant the human race understand that life needs to be lived happily. What is this fight for? Who is going to carry these lands to his grave? Which religion empowers man with the right to deprive others of their right to live? What satisfaction does man get in ruining someones peace and satisfaction?

I wish we had some answers to these questions.


rasheed said...

such a nice piece...n questions which are truly critical..hv to read it tooo...hes written his 2nd one..thats pretty much sad..i of the lists..of course..hes a doc..right? Tk care

Geetika said...

I have heard a lot about this book and trying to get hold of one of its copy. May be would start with it real soon. Another interesting book u might like is 'Shiva Dancing'. It is about two kids who got married at a very young age and then got seperated. Would they find each other ever again and would they still want to be with eachother. Its a nice and simple story.

Unknown said...

I loved this book too! Its among my favorites. Did you know this is Huseinni's first publication ever. I was quite impressed.

justrohin said...

interesting piece lady.. interesting one! How did you find "The thousand splendid suns"?

Mithun T Mahabaleswara Hebbar said...

I think the fact that this was his first publication brought about a freshness to the story.... I wanted a happier ending though...
Alchemist, "Eleven Minutes" "The Kite Runner" top my chart of good books...