Sunday, March 9, 2008


Nobokov's Lolita is a very widely read book..but when i was frittering through its pages i cudn really understand why??..Why did the book hav to be a reader's delight when i found each of its pages utterly repulsive...the way the entire character of Humbert Humbert has been brought about is ..abhorrent..thats whre i guess lies the writer's mettle!!

H H is a pedophile(in his forties) who claims to be in love with a 12 yr old Dolores Haze...the way he describes the child..imagines her..and writes about his sexual escapades with her is the extent that one feels like dashing the book straight into the bin....
He gets married to her mother only to do away with her later on and com in immediate contact with his so called nymphet!..he loves her exploits her..does evryhting to her....and still calls her his daughter...and the child has no where to go bcoz she has no other guardians...until she gets rid of the pervert...only to find a man closer to her age and live with him(she is 17 then)....

H H is a..sinner.. pedophile..a psychopath....maniac who commits crime...murders...and above all incest!!...his perception of evry little a sex object..a nymphet is hateful...n throughout the book he justifies himself by vocalizing his love for Lolita...n let me tell u none of his justifications are convincing...

Towards the end Lolita decides to live her life her own way..while HH realizes that throughout his life with Dolores he never cared about her feelings..he could never see the shadow of darkness in her eyes..he realises that he had robbed a 12 yr old of her childhood..and subjected her to irreparable damage..physically...psychologically...mentally..morally..evry possible way!

The subject matter taken up by the author is very sensitive. The book brings about an emotional turmoil in the reader...mayb the book is trying to sensitize us towards the existence of the domination of a bigger n more sinister social evil!


Sanjeev Sharma said...

i cant seem to place you from sacred heart. ur blog is fine.

Anonymous said...